7 health risks of burning incense at home

Cancer Incense sticks increase the risk of cancer. The ingredient that gives a nice smell contains certain particles found in cigarettes.

Respiratory infection Studies show that incense smoke contains pollutants that can lead to inflammation in the lungs leading to respiratory infections. 

Cardiovascular disease Burning incense sticks can develop cardiovascular disease. According to studies conducted, these sticks increase risk of heart problems in humans by 12 per cent. 

Skin allergy Burning incense sticks can lead to irritation of the eyes and can irritate sensitive skin. It can cause skin hives, dermatitis among other diseases.

Asthma Some particles found in incense sticks can lead to inflammation of the bronchial tubes that pass air to the lungs.

Affects brain Studies show that burning incense sticks is linked to poor cognitive performance. It can also lead to decreased brain connectivity. 

Increases risk of COVID A study published in 2020 showed that burning incense sticks transmit SARS-CoV-2 virus which can increase the risk of COVID in humans.

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